AI Tools for Book Writing

AI Tools for Book Writing

August 18, 2023
Kristiyan Tsvetanov
Writing a book has become more accessible with the introduction of AI tools that offer tailored solutions for aspiring authors. From drafting to final edits, artificial intelligence is shaping the narrative. We took a deep dive to bring you alternatives for book writing that incorporate AI technologies.

1. Bookwiz

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  • Embeddings: Bookwiz utilizes embeddings, ensuring you use fewer tokens while writing more extended books. This not only optimizes your writing process but also enhances coherence and quality.
  • Midjourney Integration: Design captivating cover images with the Midjourney feature, giving your book that standout look.
  • Step-by-Step Creation: For those who appreciate structure, the platform guides you through each phase of writing, ensuring no detail is overlooked.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate with ease thanks to the platform's impressive UI, streamlining your writing process.
  • GPT Models: Choose from a variety of GPT models when generating text, adapting the AI to your specific needs.
  • Enhanced Prompting: Bookwiz's custom prompting produces improved results without the need for extensive direction.
  • Affordability: With packages starting at just $9/month for a staggering 300k words, it's an economical option for many.
  • Template Restrictions: The platform currently offers a single template, which may not cater to the varied requirements of different book genres.
  • Dependency on External Tools: To fully maximize its potential, authors often need to integrate Bookwiz with other tools like Notion and Google Sheets.

2. ChatGPT

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  • Conversational Interface: Engage with the AI in a chat format, making the writing process more dynamic and interactive.
  • Code Interpreter: Upload your book, enabling the AI to read, analyze, and even modify parts as needed—a feature especially valuable for iterative editing.
  • Plugin Capabilities: The unique "Chat with your book" plugin helps for a more interactive writing and editing process, providing real-time feedback and a novel approach to creation.
  • Prompt Dependency: To extract the best from ChatGPT, extensive prompting becomes necessary, which might disrupt the flow for some.
  • Manual Handling: There's a significant amount of copy-pasting involved, which can be tedious.
  • Versatility Over Specialization: While ChatGPT is versatile, it might miss out on some specialized features tailored for novel writing, such as a text editor and embeddings. Read our comparison of top AI book writing tools to learn more.

3. Notion

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  • Rich Text Editor: The platform boasts a feature-rich text editor, enabling more refined content creation.
  • Collaborative Spirit: Share your work and collaborate in real-time, making it ideal for co-authored projects or editorial feedback.
  • Diverse Application: Not limited to novels; it's also perfect for other written projects, be it research papers or even daily notes.
  • Budget-Friendly: At $10 per month per user, it offers a cost-effective solution for writers.
  • Jack of All Trades: Like ChatGPT, its versatility might lead it to lack some novel-specific features that platforms like Bookwiz bring to the table.
  • Consistency Questions: Without an embeddings feature, maintaining thematic and narrative consistency in longer pieces could pose challenges.
  • Usage-Dependent Access: Depending on your consumption, AI feature accessibility can be limited, which might impede uninterrupted writing.

4. Sudowrite

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  • Story Engine: guiding authors through each phase of their book's creation.
  • Easy Navigation: Navigate through different stages of your book effortlessly with an intuitive design.
  • Active Author Community: Whether you're in search of insights, looking for advice, or keen on sharing experiences.
  • Learning Curve: While packed with features, newcomers might find Sudowrite's user interface slightly intricate, demanding some time to familiarize themselves fully.

Wrapping Up

Selecting the right AI for book writing involves understanding your unique needs and aligning them with what each platform offers. Whether you lean towards a dedicated book writing AI like Bookwiz or prefer the versatility of ChatGPT and Notion, remember that these tools are designed to augment your creative process, not replace it. Use them wisely, and you'll find your path from a blank page to a published masterpiece significantly smoothened. If you're new to Bookwiz, start with our guide on Getting Started with Bookwiz.