The Alignment Problem in AI Writing

The Alignment Problem in AI Writing

September 22, 2023
Kristiyan Tsvetanov

Quality in Writing

Quality writing is a subjective matter. What engages one person might bore another. The real issue here is: can AI produce writing that meets your individual taste? Enter the alignment problem.

Why Alignment Matters

When AI generates text that lacks emotional depth or originality, it's not just a limitation of AI—it's an Alignment Issue. The goal is to have AI that resonates with you, understanding your distinct needs and preferences.
This alignment extends beyond writing; it's vital for ethical and effective AI use in various fields. Picture a world where poor alignment leads to not just lackluster stories, but also incorrect medical assessments.
Yes, the stakes are high.

Real-World Alignment Hiccups

Case 1: The Playlist Mix-up

Suppose you ask an AI to curate a playlist for your road trip but forget to specify the mood. You might end up with an unsettling mix of extreme genres. That’s a classic case of alignment gone wrong.

Case 2: The Allergic Reaction

Imagine asking an AI for a cookie recipe without mentioning your nut allergy. The AI delivers a pecan-packed recipe, creating yet another alignment failure.

Alignment at Bookwiz: A Structured Approach

At Bookwiz, we address alignment through:
  • Structured Guidance: We lead you through the essential elements of your story: synopsis, theme, setting, characters, plot, and chapters.
  • User-Driven: You're in the driver's seat, directing the AI every step of the way to ensure it meets your unique vision.

Customization is Essential

Making your story stand out requires customization. At Bookwiz, we understand this, so we provide a dedicated "style" step where you can give specific instructions to the AI. This is your chance to avoid pitfalls and establish the tone and style of your narrative.
Examples of Customization Options:
  • Avoid Clichés: Simply tell the AI you don't want overused phrases or predictable scenarios. This ensures your story remains fresh and original.
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Request the AI to focus on descriptive writing. For instance, instead of writing "He was nervous," the AI might write "His hands trembled as he picked up the pen."
  • Dialogue Style: If you prefer snappy and quick dialogue versus lengthy monologues, you can specify this. This helps set the pacing of your story.
  • First or Third Person: Choose your narrative voice. Whether you want the story told from a first-person perspective or a third-person viewpoint, just make it clear in your instructions.
  • Genre-Specific Nuances: If you're writing a mystery, you might ask for suspenseful elements. In contrast, a romance might benefit from more emotional depth.
By taking the time to customize, you guide the AI to create a story that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. This "style" step ensures your narrative is as unique as your vision.

Being Proactive in Your Story Creation

Don't expect a coherent tale if you're only interested in hitting "Next." What you'll get is a story that neither hits a specific reader demographic nor maintains a consistent style. Not to mention, the AI is prone to making blunders, given that it can't fully grasp worldly intricacies like you can.

In Conclusion

AI is a useful assistant, but doesn't replace human imagination. You set the guidelines; the AI works within those limits. While it's not poised to craft the next blockbuster, it can give you a solid foundation for a story that reflects your ideas.
Take an active role, specify what you want, and let Bookwiz walk you through the steps to craft a story that’s truly your own.