Bookwiz Tokens Explained

Bookwiz Tokens Explained

August 1, 2023
Kristiyan Tsvetanov
Bookwiz is revolutionizing the way authors generate content, providing AI-powered writing solutions tailored to different needs. By utilizing Bookwiz Tokens, you can gain access to unique writing tools and services, allowing you to generate creative and informative content at your convenience.
In this blog post, we'll explain everything you need to know about Bookwiz Tokens and how to utilize them for purchasing in-platform services.

What Are Bookwiz Tokens?

Bookwiz Tokens are the currency of the Bookwiz platform and are used to facilitate content generation. In AI writing, a token is a piece of a sentence, ranging from a single character to a whole word. For example, "I love to write" consists of four tokens. Tokens are used by AI language models like Bookwiz to process and generate coherent text.

Why Use Tokens?

Tokens allow the AI to understand and generate language efficiently. By pricing services based on tokens, Bookwiz aligns with how AI service providers charge, making it a logical and transparent pricing structure.

Pricing and Token Usage

Here's how tokens work with Bookwiz's pricing:

1. Understanding Token Count

  • 1000 Tokens Equals: Approximately 750 words, varying depending on language and complexity.
  • Token Count Breakdown: Includes your prompts, system prompts, and generated content.

2. Impact of Prompt Length

  • Each step of your writing process with new prompts increases the total token count.

3. Extra Text, Extra Cost?

  • More text means more tokens and thus a higher cost.

4. Maximizing Token Usage

  • To efficiently use tokens, provide concise and specific prompts.
  • Manage the generated text in smaller chunks.
  • Specify text length in your prompts, e.g., "Generate 1000 words in this step."

Pricing Questions Answered

How Do I Know How Many Tokens I Need?

The number of tokens required depends on the word count of the content generated and the language model used.

How Can I Get a Discount?

Get a 20% from all your affiliates using a referral code. Share Bookwiz with fellow authors and enjoy benefits.

What is Bookwiz's Refund Policy?

Bookwiz prioritizes customer satisfaction. Contact customer support for assistance if unhappy with the service.

What Payment Methods are Accepted?

Bookwiz accepts all major credit cards and PayPal.

How Much Does Bookwiz Cost?

Bookwiz offers different subscription plans: Explorer at $9/month, Storyteller at $35/month, and Professional at $99/month.

How Can I Upgrade My Subscription?

Go to the Account page → Billing, and select the desired plan.


Bookwiz Tokens make content generation transparent and flexible, fitting various needs and budgets. By understanding how tokens work, you can maximize their use, optimize your costs, and take advantage of all that Bookwiz offers.
Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, Bookwiz has a plan that can cater to your needs. If you have more questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team or request your unique referral code at
Unlock your creativity today with Bookwiz!