How to Pay for Bookwiz

How to Pay for Bookwiz

August 1, 2023
Kristiyan Tsvetanov
Do you have a story to tell but not enough time to pen it all down? is the perfect tool for you. In this post, we’ll explore the various payment options for Bookwiz, the AI-powered content writer, and help you select the right plan for your needs.
Payment Options With Bookwiz, you can explore a wide range of payment methods and choose the one that suits you best:
  • Major Credit Cards: Bookwiz accepts all major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
  • PayPal
  • Payments are Managed Through Stripe: All transactions are secured and managed through Stripe, ensuring your information is safe.
Subscription Plans Bookwiz now offers three specific subscription plans to suit your needs:
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  • Explorer Plan: At just $9/month, this plan is perfect for those just starting on their writing journey.
  • Storyteller Plan: For the more ambitious writer, the Storyteller plan is available at $35/month.
  • Professional Plan: Tailored for seasoned authors, the Professional plan comes at $99/month.
You can upgrade your subscription anytime by clicking on “Upgrade” on the pricing page.
Wondering how much content you can generate with tokens? 1000 tokens equals approximately 750 words. Remember that the number of tokens needed includes your prompt and the word count of the generated content.
Exclusive Discounts Want to earn with Bookwiz? Enjoy a passive 20% bonus using a referral code. Learn more about our affiliate program. Share Bookwiz with fellow authors, and benefit from their purchases.
For any other queries or concerns regarding pricing, don’t hesitate to contact us at We’re here to help you in every step of your writing journey.