Newsletter 6

Newsletter 6

September 23, 2023
Kristiyan Tsvetanov
We hope your creative journeys are flowing smoothly. Let's dive straight into what we've been up to, what's on the horizon, and some interesting reads on our blog.

Last Week's Changes

New Features:

  • Style Step: We've introduced a "Style" step in your writing process. This allows you to specify your own writing style, adding more uniqueness and consistency to your books. Note that using this feature may increase token usage, so we recommend keeping your style descriptors brief.
  • Copy a Book: Ever wanted to experiment without disrupting your existing storyline? We've got you covered. You can now easily copy your book and experiment in a separate version.


  • Editing Chapters: We heard you loud and clear. Editing your chapters will no longer reset your progress on later steps, making the writing process smoother.

Plans for Next Week

Coming Soon:

  • Rich Text Editor: We're in the process of integrating a more feature-rich text editor for a better writing experience.
  • Enhanced Cover Generation: We will be adding more customization options for cover generation, including tags and aspect ratios.
  • Importing Your Own Book: The ability to import your own books in PDF and EPUB formats is in the pipeline.

Recent Blog Posts

  • The Alignment Problem in AI Writing: Curious about how well AI can align with your unique writing style? This post delves into the nuances of aligning your creative vision with AI capabilities.

Thank you for being part of the Bookwiz community. Your feedback and suggestions are always valuable to us, so feel free to reach out.