Newsletter 7

Newsletter 7

October 1, 2023
Kristiyan Tsvetanov
Hey Bookwiz Community,
We've got some exciting updates to share with you! Here's what we've been up to last week and what's coming next.

Last Week's Changes 🔄

Rich Text Editor 🖊️

We've upgraded to a rich text editor, which now saves content in HTML instead of markdown. We hope this makes the writing process smoother and more enjoyable for you.

Sidebar Makeover 🎨

Our sidebar has undergone a facelift! It's now more organized with bigger icons. Plus, we've moved your book list to a separate page (shout out to Ryan for the suggestion).

Focus Mode 👀

Need to concentrate? Try our new focus mode, which puts the text editor in full-screen mode. Thanks again, Ryan!

Affiliate Program 💰

We've launched an affiliate program! Earn 20% of all the friends and audience you bring to Bookwiz. Learn more here.

Exporting Improvements 📤

We've added HTML export and tweaked the layout of PDF export for better readability.

Plans for Next Week 🗓️

Autocomplete with AI 🤖

We're working on an autocomplete feature powered by AI. Stay tuned!

Text Editing with AI 📝

The new editor will allow us to add cool features like selecting text and asking AI to edit it based on your prompt (i.e., make it longer, shorter, more formal, etc.)

Editor Improvements 🛠️

We're committed to making the editor more intuitive and user-friendly. Expect more updates soon!

Recent Blog Posts 📖

  1. Creating a Compelling Game Story: Learn how to streamline your narrative design process for video games with
  1. Avoiding Plagiarism in Writing: How Bookwiz Can Help: Discover how our new Plagiarism Checker can be a game-changer for your writing journey.