Using AI in Book Editing

Using AI in Book Editing

August 15, 2023
Kristiyan Tsvetanov
Introduction Editing a book the old-fashioned way? It meant hours (often days) poring over pages, catching mistakes, and ensuring a gripping storyline. Fast-forward to today, and AI, especially tools like Bookwiz and ChatGPT, is taking that load off writers' backs.
Want to learn more about what AI-powered writing entails? Read our blog on What is AI-Powered Writing. Now, let's delve into this step-by-step guide on this revolution in the world of book editing.
1. Bookwiz and ChatGPT Defined: What's the Deal? Bookwiz helps you lay the foundation of your story. Think of it as the skeleton. ChatGPT, which you can find at, fills in the muscles and skin, fine-tuning that narrative. How to do it?
  1. Write your story on Bookwiz.
  1. Pop it into ChatGPT for that finishing touch.
For more on how Bookwiz works, read our blog: Getting Started with Bookwiz.
2. The Magic of Using Both You start with Bookwiz to shape your story. But, even the best stories need polish. Want to know how ChatGPT can assist? Check out How AI Writes Text. ChatGPT acts as your on-call editor.
3. Getting the Best Out of ChatGPT and Bookwiz
Want to know how they work together in real-life scenarios?
Dialogue Enhancement
Bookwiz: "I am not happy to see you." Ask ChatGPT: "Got a more emotional spin for this?" ChatGPT: "Every time I see you, old wounds reopen."
Scene Detailing
Bookwiz: "The room was dark." Ask ChatGPT: "Can we get more atmosphere here?" ChatGPT: "Shadows draped the room, broken only by weak light from a cracked window."
Fixing Plot Gaps
Bookwiz: "Suddenly, she could fly the plane." Ask ChatGPT: "Why would she know how to do that?" ChatGPT: "She’d spent years watching her dad in his hangar, picking up every trick of the trade."
4. What ChatGPT Might Miss (and How to Deal With It) ChatGPT is impressive, but it's not perfect. Sometimes it might offer a tweak that doesn’t quite fit. Remember, it’s just a tool. If something feels off, trust your gut. (For instance, if you’re writing a comedy, ChatGPT might sometimes suggest edits that lean more dramatic. We’re working to make it even better, but for now, your instincts are vital.)
In Conclusion Bookwiz and ChatGPT are changing the game for writers. For a comparison of Bookwiz with other tools, check out Comparing Top AI Book Writing Tools. Think of them as your support team, backing you up every step of the way.