How AI Writes Text?

How AI Writes Text?

August 3, 2023
Kristiyan Tsvetanov


Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn't just a futuristic concept; it's a part of our daily lives. Whether you're talking to a virtual assistant or reading an AI-generated article, the ability of machines to handle language comes down to something called 'tokens.' To understand how Bookwiz leverages this technology, read about The Technologies Behind Bookwiz.
Let's dive into what tokens are and how they work.


1. What Are Tokens?
  • Definition: Tokens are chunks of text that AI reads as single units. Want to understand more about how Bookwiz uses tokens? Check out Bookwiz Tokens Explained
2. How Are Tokens Used in AI Models like GPT-3?
  • Understanding Text: Models like GPT-3 process text by breaking it into tokens and using statistical patterns to predict what comes next.
  • Generating Text: The model builds sentences token by token, like constructing a wall brick by brick.
3. Token Limits and Why They Matter
  • Limits Explained: Imagine a machine that can only handle 4097 Lego bricks. The bricks can be used for the structure (prompt) and the decoration (completion), but the total mustn't exceed 4097. If you use 4000 for the structure, only 97 are left for decoration. That's how token limits work in AI text models; they restrict the total number of characters you can input and get as output. For a deep dive into the limitations of AI models like GPT-3, read Understanding the Memory Limitations of AI.
  • Why It Matters: Too many tokens can mean your text gets cut off. You'll need to be creative or use smaller text chunks.


1. Demonstrating Tokenization
  • Sentence: "AI is fascinating."
  • Tokens: ["AI", " is", " fascinating", "."]
  • What it means: The sentence is broken down into understandable parts.
2. General Rule of Thumb for Tokens
  • Quick Math: One token = ~4 characters = ¾ of a word, so 100 tokens = 75 words. Handy for calculating text size!
3. Tools for Tokenization
  • Python: tiktoken package.
  • Node.js: gpt-3-encoder package.


Tokens aren't just a quirky tech term; they're foundational to how AI models like GPT-3 read and write text. Understanding token limits and how text is broken down into tokens can help you work more efficiently with AI and avoid pitfalls like text cut-offs.
Remember, tokens are like the Lego bricks of language for AI. Too many bricks, and your structure might not fit. Wrong arrangement, and it might not make sense. But with the right tools and understanding, you can build something fantastic. To explore more about the applications and limitations of AI in writing, feel free to browse our article on What is AI-Powered Writing?.
Want to play around with tokens? Give it a go at OpenAI's tokenizer. For more advanced tools, explore our blog post on AI Tools for Book Writing.